更好的企业效益Higher profits
避免冲突Avoid conflict
知道要事先预防Better prevention
更少的矛盾Less contradiction and conflicts
各部门、各人之间更好的协同Better inter-departmental collaboration
更高的效率Higher efficiency
更和谐的人际关系More harmonious interpersonal relationship课程对象
经理、主管、市场营销人员、客服人员等Managers, directors, marketing specialists, customer service specialists , etc.课程时长
12 H课程大纲
第一讲: 了解冲突,修炼积极的心态
Session 1:Understand conflicts, develop positive attitude
冲突是什么 What is conflict
导致冲突的潜在因素Potential factors leading to conflicts
冲突的不同种类 Different varieties of the conflicts
冲突如何体现出来 How to embody out conflict
应该以怎样的心态看待冲突How to see conflicts?
不拿科学研究态度处理人际关系Don't take science research attitudes with handling interpersonal relationships
增加理解力和宽容心Be considerate and tolerant
从哲学高度看冲突管理 See conflict management with philosophy height
Session 2:The strategy of conflict early stage and building relationships
冲突阶段 Stages of conflict
冲突前期的策略The strategy in early stage
预防是最好的处理Prevention is the best way of dealing conflicts
沟通要诀The key tips of communication
聆听他人Listen to others
建立关系,减少冲突Build relationships and reduce conflicts
Session 3:The strategy and principle in the middle-term of conflict
冲突中期的策略The strategy in the middle-term of conflict
学习如何在冲突中赢得合作Learn how to win cooperation in the conflict
赢得合作的重要原则An important principle of winning the cooperation l
EQ:情绪控制和心情处理 EQ: control emotion
不同类型的人在冲突中的应对How to deal with different types of people in the conflict
Session 4: conflicts solving skills
在意见不一的情况下仍能有效表达意见 Disagree in an agreeable manner
迅速组织我们的思路Organize thoughts immediately
先缓冲,再回应First buffer, and response
用证据支持我们的意见Support our opinion with the evidence to
学会如何说不 Learn how to say NO
处理不同意见而不起冲突的方法Deal with the different opinions without arousing resentment
增强钝感力Enhance insensitive force
如何得到平静的心态How to get a quiet mood
冲突后的处理Steps to take after the conflict